Recruitment of experienced ROS developers (robotics/3D point cloud data processing)
Business content

You will be in charge of 3D point cloud data processing using ROS, data analysis and development using AI algorithms, and 3D point cloud data processing using sensors (Depth sensor, lidar, IMU, etc.).
[Work example]
・In-house development of SLAM (self-localization and mapping using sensors)
・In-house development of autonomous driving robots
・Research and development of satellite attitude control algorithms
・Development of SLAM and 3D point cloud processing system for a major camera manufacturer
・Research and development of posture analysis algorithms
・Self-location estimation development for construction equipment manufacturers, AI algorithm development, etc.
Recruitment contents
【勤務地 ※都内限定】
ブランチオフィス1:東京都新宿区西新宿6-6-2 新宿国際ビルディング4F コンピュータマインド内
ブランチオフィス2:東京都新宿区新宿5-15-14 インバウンドリーグ内
【路 線/最寄駅】
1:①丸の内線 西新宿駅 徒歩3分 バス 分 ②大江戸線都庁前駅 徒歩10分 バス 分
フレックスタイム制(8h)(コアタイム11:00 - 16:00)
[昇給] 有り
[賞与] 業績賞与有り
健康保険 厚生年金 雇用保険 労災保険 企業年金基金 退職金制度
増員 (備考)事業拡大に伴う増員
Application requirements
Inexperienced Experienced New Graduate
[Required experience/qualifications]
Those who have experience in conducting research activities using some programming language in the fields of computer science and robotics, writing papers, and presenting them at academic conferences outside the university.
≪Preferential treatment≫
Preference will be given to those who have experience in image processing, Deep Learning, 3D Reconstruction, SLAM, and robotics in the research and development field.
≪Age≫no question
≪Educational background≫Graduate, master's or doctoral course graduates
≪People we want≫
・ Those who can actively acquire and pursue technology
・ Those who want to pursue technology in both academia and social implementation
・ Those who want to be active in a start-up company
・ Those who are interested in overseas expansion
Recruitment method
[Recruitment method]
➀ Document screening
Curriculum Vitae, CV, (If you have other portfolios, please submit them.)
② 1st interview (face-to-face or casual interview on the web)
Rather than a formal interview, we would like to introduce our company and interact with job seekers as a time to get to know each other.
③ Submission of assignments (Submit at least 1 day before the interview)
In order to proceed to the 2:00 interview, I would like you to work on the assignments before the next interview as an aptitude test.
④Second interview (face-to-face required)
Interview with technical side members (about 30 minutes)
·Question-and-answer session
Executive interview (about 30 minutes)
·Question-and-answer session
・ Accuracy diagnostic test by writing (about 20 minutes)